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Iconv-lite as UMD module
An iconv-lite stream that autodetects the encoding and fallbacks to a specified fallback encoding.
Convert character encodings using iconv-lite.
- character encoding
- character decoding
- charset
- convert
- decoding
- encoding
- encodings
- gulp
- gulpplugin
- iconv
- iconv-lite
Convert/auto-detection Character encodings in JavaScript ( iconv-lite, jschardet )
save file with charset/encoding/iconv
An iconv-lite stream that autodetects the encoding and fallbacks to a specified fallback encoding.
A Node-RED node based on iconv-lite for encoding or decoding conversion to pure JS encoding
Use iconv-lite to encode the body and set charset to content-type.
A got wrapper with automaticlly encoding conversion using iconv-lite
'browserify,sass,css,js,image to solving modular development'
letv boss team development tools
Change the charset for an entire folder recursively
- charset-changer
- charsetChanger
- encoding
- changer
- charset
- iconv
- iconv-lite
- chardet
- icu
- detector
- detect
- glob
- utf8
- latin1
'browserift plus to solving modular development'
Iconv Lite
Percent encoding for x-www-form-urlencoded with iconv-lite
Convert character encodings. Use [iconv-lite](
http/https, get/post request with iconv-lite
(Deprecated: use apg-js instead.) Converts byte streams from one encoding to another. Decodes byte streams to integer arrays and vice versa.
gulp-iconv ==========