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40 packages found

La biblioteca oficial de Javascript para la API de Pogo AI

published version 1.1.3, 8 days ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Interlingua spelling dictionary

published version 2.0.0, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $GPL-3.0

Un chatbot en español

published version 2.0.18, 3 years ago1 dependents licensed under $ISC

Generador de documentación desde comentarios en JS/TS usando Python

published version 1.0.5, 4 months ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

A simple npm package to perform requests automatically as a user on the ChatGPT OpenAI page.

published version 0.0.62, 4 days ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

OpenAI style Gym for javascript

published version 1.2.17, 10 months ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Aide à la création de fiches produits

published version 1.0.6, a month ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC

Biblioteca do Chat SGPT

published version 0.1.6, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Rock Paper Scissors Machine Learning

published version 1.1.0, 6 years ago2 dependents licensed under $MIT

Brainer é uma biblioteca desenvolvida em JavaScript trabalhar com aprendizado de máquina de forma fácil sem precisar instalar dependências de sistema e outras bibliotecas de baixo nível.

published version 4.0.0, 4 years ago1 dependents licensed under $ISC

judini is a Node.js library to interact with the CodeGPTPlus API. It enables sending messages to the API and handling the responses in an efficient and easy manner. It also provides methods to check the streaming status and to stop the streaming at any ti

published version 2.0.5, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC

CLI to automate commits with AI

published version 1.1.4, 6 months ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC

This is an ongoing project intended to make it easier to use neural network creation, genetic algorithms, and other data science and machine learning skills.

published version 1.0.0, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $GPL-2.0+

This is an ongoing project intended to make it easier to use neural network creation, genetic algorithms, and other data science and machine learning skills.

published version 1.0.1, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $GPL-2.0+

Este projeto usa como base o Venom e/ou WPPConnect, um navegador virtual sem interface gráfica que abre o whatsapp web e executa todos os comandos via código possibilitando assim a automação de todas as funções.

published version 1.0.6, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Library for crafting and sustaining AI personalities

published version 0.1.7, 5 months ago0 dependents licensed under $GPL-3.0

Express middleware for a Paradigm site's RSS IA feed.

published version 2.0.3, 7 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

Library that allows you to deploy openAI features in javascript projects more easily

published version 1.0.2, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Ultimate tic tac toe IA

published version 1.1.0, 8 years ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC

A multiplatform tetromino engine

published version 0.0.2, 8 years ago0 dependents licensed under $BSD-2-Clause