Search results
36 packages found
Library to create your own i3 status bar in Node.js using the Flux architecture
A highly customizable i3wm status bar
Build status monitor for gitlab-ci and i3-status
Core library for creating i3bar using Node.js.
Workflow-centric workspace manager
i3 window manager ipc client
dmenu-based GitHub launcher
Simulates an alt-tab operation for the i3 window manager. Shifts the mouse cursor position to the center of focus. Cycles visible windows only.
Create nested menus using dmenu and json files.
Workflow-centric workspace manager
Monitor travis-ci builds in your i3-status bar
Reporter for i3-status using html
BMW javascript REST client for the BMW i3 hackathon.
an i3bar status command that attempts to do as little work infrequently and as much work asynchronously as possible
i3wm configuration file parser
Make your i3wm config a little more stylish
i3 window manager adapter for workflow
A simple command that moves to the nearest empty workspace in the i3 window manager
A custom i3status-like script for i3bar
Threebar is a simple, customizable and with asynchronous update status bar for i3 window manager.