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a few common utility template tags for ES2015
A string template tag to strip leading indents from your heredoc-style multi-line strings
Heredoc for ES6 with typescript support.
A few common utility template tags for ES2015
multiline strings for javascript
Heredocs, with extras
Remove extra indentation from multiline strings.
Here document built on ES2015 template string literals like Ruby's <<~
Heredoc helpers for ES2015 template strings
ES6-friendly version of where.js, data-table-driven support module for JavaScript test libraries.
- javascript
- wheredoc
- where.js
- heredoc
- data-driven test
- docstring-driven test
- heredoc-driven test
- table-driven test
- mocha
- chai
- qunit
- qunit-tap
- tape
Javascript heredoc syntax for create a multiline string
- end of file
- end of line
- php eof
- php eol
- php eot
- heredoc
- js heredoc
- javascript heredoc
- javascript eof
- javascript eot
- javascript eol
Heredoc implementation using template literals
a simple javascript template compiler
Minimalist Logic-less Templates in JavaScript
Yet another here doc implementation using template literals
Transforms JSX elements to a string literal.
Take a table make an object
Tags for template strings making them behave like coffee multiline strings
Heredocs... kind of
A here-document utility