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21 packages found
Trulla Templates is like Handlebars or Mustache templates, but statically typed and safe!
Opinionated handlebars based templating engine for rendering e-mail like content
SvelteKit adapter for HTML-like template engines such as PHP, Blade, Handlebars, etc.
Yet another static site generator in NodeJS focussed on being fast and simple. Mangony fulfills just one task: It takes templates (like handlebars or jsx) and compiles them to an output directory.
- generator
- Veams
- react
- react-static
- handlebars
- handlebars-layouts
- templates
- compiler
- compile
- render
- Mangony
- Grunt
- markdown pages
- static
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A helper for nodejs/Handlebars projects to import template files directly form inside another template. Its like partials that need not be registered.
A simple template engine like Angular.js for JavaScript or node.js
micro-generator for individual files, easy like sunday morning
- generators
- generator
- generate
- handlebars
- handlebarsjs
- cli
- prompt
- inquirer
- yo
- plop
- templates
- template
- micro-generator
Ember template helpers for csz a runtime CSS-Modules with SASS like preprocessing.
Handlebars helper that allows you to use comparison conditions like a typical IF statement.
Handlebars helper that iterates like a for loop.
A simple template engine inspired by Mustache
Convert markdown to HTML. Use wildcard (glob) patterns for files. Like Assemble itself, this helper will automatically determine the correct context to use, or a context may be explicitly passed in as a second parameter.
- assemble
- convert markdown
- gfm markdown
- gfm
- github markdown
- handlebars helper
- handlebars
- helper
- highlight.js
- markdown headings
- markdown to html
- markdown
- marked
- md
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ASP .NET like library for Node.js built on top of TypeScript
Tiny webpack plugin that make express template(like handlebars) support reload page when changed.
Generate your pages like a champ with Iungo
PostCSS plugin that separates back-to-back closed curly braces `}}`, that might break certain templating engines like Handlebars or Vue.js
Provide an easy way to include handlebars (mustache) partials files inside HTML template page with a few helpers list like repeat, or, and. AngularJs compliant
- gruntplugin
- handlebars
- loops
- files
- include
- repeat
- lorem ipsum
- mustache
- helpers
- dummy
- htmlbars
- templates
- precompile
- tpl
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A simple render xml with templates and data, vue like style
Provides features like auto complete, goto definition and diagnostics for Ember.js projects
Provides features like auto complete, goto definition and diagnostics for Ember.js projects