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50 packages found
Client for HAFAS public transport APIs.
Pass in a HAFAS client, cache data from it.
Client for HAFAS public transport APIs.
An API client for hafas-rest-api endpoints.
Generate a GTFS Realtime feed by monitoring a HAFAS endpoint.
Pass in a HAFAS client, discover stations by querying departures.
Make JSON-RPC calls to hafas-client via WebSockets, stdio, UNIX domain sockets & NATS streaming.
Expose a HAFAS client via an HTTP REST API.
JavaScript client for the VBB HAFAS API.
Pass in a HAFAS client, estimate the importance/weight of a station.
JavaScript client for the DB HAFAS API.
Find data from one HAFAS endpoint in another one.
Find the duration limit of a HAFAS endpoint's departures method.
Check if a hafas-client instance and its endpoint work.
Using a HAFAS endpoint, watch all movements/vehicles in a bounding box, and optionally their trips.
Get connection information of defined routes from HAFAS
JavaScript client for the BVG HAFAS API.
A list of DB stations, taken from HAFAS.
Remove noise and fix common typographic errors in Deutsche Bahn (DB, german railways) and VBB (Berlin-Brandenburg transportation authority) station names.
Pass in a HAFAS trip ID, get a slice between stations of its track.