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111 packages found
A command-line tool based on Gulp-workflow that quickly build web development workflows.
Fast front-end web app build tool with simple declarative config, seamless incremental compilation for rapid development, an opinionated pipeline and workflow, and core support for source maps
- assembler
- builder
- stack
- pipeline
- build tool
- workflow
- source map
- incremental
- config
- react
- webpack
- vue
- grunt
- gulp
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Automate your WordPress development workflow.
Create optimized static websites.
Fast front-end web app build tool with simple declarative config, seamless incremental compilation for rapid development, an opinionated pipeline and workflow, and core support for source maps
- assembler
- builder
- stack
- pipeline
- build tool
- workflow
- source map
- incremental
- config
- react
- webpack
- vue
- grunt
- gulp
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A reusable, extendable, updatable Gulp workflow for WordPress themes & plugins
A gulp workflow + WordPress starter theme for agency projects.
A yeoman generator for web development projects at Paradigm Marketing & Creative in Memphis, TN. Includes a Gulp workflow that uses sass for css, Webpack, babel.js, image minification, and browsersync. Options available for static html, roots/bedrock app
Yeoman generator for tmt-workflow
This project is to nuts gulp workflow.
Basic git commands wrapped in node for using in your workflows
A set of common gulp task I use
Module that enables support for git-flow style releases via gulp
Enable git-flow style releases via gulp
Gulp Frontend Workflow
FrontEnd Workflow With Gulp Task Runner
Clean but full-featured AngularJS boilerplate using Gulp workflow and best practices
- angular
- angular-locales
- angularjs
- autoprefixer
- babel
- boilerplate
- bower
- browsersync
- concatenation
- es2015
- es6
- eslint
- esnext
- gulp
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Your workflow - now unchained.