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JIT plugin loader for Grunt.
grunt plugin for karma test runner
Zip and unzip files via a grunt plugin
Plugin for dynamic generation of angular constant modules.
PostCSS plugin that adds !important to style declarations safely
Grunt plugin for A JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit for ES6+.
- gruntplugin
- grunt
- minify
- terser
- uglify
- uglify-es
- uglify-js
- minifier
- javascript
- ecmascript
- es5
- es6
- es7
- es8
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Grunt plugin that lets you break up your Gruntfile config by task
Node.js module and Grunt plugin to start and stop MockServer
JSON minification plugin without concatination.
A grunt plugin that helps with simple artifactory artifacts
TypeScript Compilation Plugin for GruntJS
A grunt plugin to check ban words.
Obfuscate JavaScript files via This is also a Grunt plugin.
Grunt plugin to upload files through POST/PUT HTTP request
ESLint TypeScript Validation Plugin for GruntJS
Grunt plugin for Polymer's Vulcanize. Compatible with Polymer 1.0
A Grunt and Gulp compatible plugin to import or export MongoDB data.
- grunt
- gruntplugin
- gruntfriendly
- gulp
- gulpplugin
- gulpfriendly
- mongo
- mongodb
- mongobackup
- mongodump
- mongorestore
- data
- export
- import
Grunt plugin for pug-lint
Grunt plugin for minifying Polymer Elements.
Wget plugin for Grunt.