Search results
163 packages found
Beautiful color gradients in terminal output
- cli
- color
- colors
- colour
- command-line
- console
- formatting
- gradient
- gradients
- log
- logging
- shell
- string
- style
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typescript-color-gradient is a typescript native fork of javascript-color-gradient, a lightweight JavaScript library used to generate an array of color gradients by providing start and finish colors, as well as the required number of midpoints.
- typescript-color-palette
- color-gradient
- typescript-palette
- color-picker
- color-generator
- color-wavelengths
- typescript
- color
- gradient
An easy to use color/gradient picker for React.js
Terminal and Console string styling done right.
A color picker component library
An easy to use color/gradient picker for React.js
Array-based color types, CSS parsing, conversions, transformations, declarative theme generation, gradients, presets
An easy to use color/gradient picker for React.js
This is a fork of react-best-gradient-color-picker created by Harry Fox (
Colorful animations in terminal output
- animation
- chalk
- cli
- color
- colors
- colour
- command-line
- console
- formatting
- gradient
- log
- logging
- rainbow
- shell
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Fast and small gradients manipulation, built on top of TinyColor
Color gradients for data visualization
Color and gradient picker for vue3.js
Fast and small gradients manipulation, built on top of TinyColor
React Letter Hologram
- react
- react-component
- animation
- background-animation
- interactive
- gradient
- color-gradient
- random
- letter
- hologram
- css-variables
- radial-gradient
- hover-effect
- tailwindcss
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A color picker on 3 gradient image HSV palette slider
- android
- color
- color-picker
- gradient
- hsb
- hsv
- ios
- palette
- react-native
- react-native-gesture-handler
- react-native-smooth-slider
- rgb
- slider
SVG element functions for & related tooling
Color and gradient picker for vue3.js
An ESM/Common.js compatible typescript port of the popular 'chalk-animation' library
- animation
- chalk
- cli
- color
- colors
- colour
- command-line
- console
- formatting
- gradient
- log
- logging
- rainbow
- shell
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A minimal, lightweight colour picker to generate beautiful colours and gradients.