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126 packages found
convert KML and GPX to GeoJSON
A Leaflet plugin for showing a GPX track on a map
GPX.js is a modern library for parsing GPX files and converting them to GeoJSON.
A simple gpx parser and builder between GPX string and JavaScript object
A web based tool for making MapLibre GL maps with data from sources such as Overpass, GeoJSON, GPX, KML, TCX, etc
Zwift route and segment downloader in GPX format
Simplify your geographic data visualization with this easy-to-use RPM package. With just a single component integration, this package offers instant previews of GPX and Shape files. Designed for seamless incorporation into your projects, it eliminates the
Extract data from gpx file
Converts GeoJson to GPX
A Leaflet plugin that allows to add elevation profiles using d3js
Reads telemetry from the GPMF track in GoPro cameras (Hero5 and later) and converts it to multiple formats
A simple package to convert raw expo-location output to geojson, gpx, and kml
Imports and exports: .gpx, .kml and GeoJSON
As leaflet-gpx, with additinal method 'get_coords()' for exporting the coordinate (lat/long) data
GEOGATE-geojson handles AIS/NMEA encoding/decoding for GEOgate GPS/AIS/GTS framework
A Library to for importing / exporting and processing GPX, TCX, FIT and JSON files from services such as Strava, Movescount, Garmin, Polar etc
Record the movement of any TGV using the on-board WiFi.
Record the movement of any ICE using the on-board WiFi.
A Library to for importing / exporting and processing GPX, TCX, FIT and JSON files from services such as Strava, Movescount, Garmin, Polar etc