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340 packages found
React.js Google Maps API integration
- React
- Google Maps
- google maps
- google-maps
- @google-maps
- google-maps-api
- @google-maps-api
- Map
- Maps
- GoogleMap
- react-component
- addons/MarkerClusterer
- View more
Component library for rendering Google Maps in React
Node Geocoder, node geocoding library, supports google maps, mapquest, open street map, tom tom, promise
Isomorphic component that allows rendering react components on a google map
Isomorphic component that allows rendering react components on a google map
Google Maps library that accepts markers as react components, works with React 18+ and it is fully typed.
A Google Map( extension for Apache ECharts (
- echarts
- google-maps
- echarts-extension
- data-visualization
- map
- echarts-gmap
- echarts-google-map
- echarts4
- echarts5
- gmap
This library provides classes and functions for the computation of geometric data on the surface of the Earth. Code ported from the Google Maps Javascript API v3
Google Map Vue3 Component
Mixer Google Maps module of the BOM Repository
Fork from Isomorphic component that allows rendering react components on a google map
Express middleware to serve `sitemap.xml` from a list of URLs
- express
- serve sitemap
- serve sitemap.xml
- site map
- site map xml
- sitemap
- sitemap generator
- sitemap xml
- sitemap.xml
- sitemaps
- xml
This module provides an easy to use interface that allows to load and use Google Maps API
Isomorphic component that allows rendering react components on a google map
Marker Clusterer for React.js Google Maps API
InfoBox for React.js Google Maps API
Google Maps web components
A friendly Ember addon for working with Google Maps.
React.js Google Maps integration component
- React
- Map
- react-component
- recompose
- hoc
- addons/InfoBox
- addons/MarkerClusterer
- Circle
- DirectionsRenderer
- drawing/DrawingManager
- FusionTablesLayer
- GoogleMap
- InfoWindow
- View more
- React map library - Control various map with one interface - Google, Naver, Kakao map supported now - Typescript supported - Canvas marker supported