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Yet another javascript fuzzy matching library
Fuzzy string matching algorithms and utilities, port of the TheFuzz Python library.
a library for matching human-quality input to a list of potential matches using the Levenshtein distance algorithm
- closest
- compare
- comparison
- didyoumean
- diff
- difference
- distance
- edit
- find
- fuzzy
- leven
- levenshtein
- match
- matching
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Simple fuzzy matching
Do fuzzy matching using FZF algorithm in JavaScript
Straightforward fuzzy matching, information retrieval and NLP building blocks for JavaScript.
- bloom filter
- canberra
- caverphone
- chebyshev
- cologne
- cosine
- clustering
- daitch-mokotoff
- dice
- fingerprint
- fuzzy
- hamming
- k-means
- jaccard
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Provides mapping between country codes and provides default country locales. Includes optional fuzzy matching for country name.
Fast aproximate string matching library for use in autocomplete, perform both search and highlight.
A collection of string matching algorithms built with React Select in mind
- distance
- filter
- fuzzy
- Jaro-Winkler
- Levenshtein
- match
- options
- proximity
- search
- similar
- similarity
- string
- subsequence
- substitutions
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Fast fuzzy string matching with scoring and matched ranges
A JavaScript string-scoring and fuzzy-matching library based on the Quicksilver algorithm, designed for smart auto-complete.
- string
- score
- sort
- search
- fuzzy
- filter
- quicksilver
- autocomplete
- auto-complete
- filter list
- intuitive sort
- smart sort
Intuitive approximate string matching (i.e. fuzzy searches)
Functions for fuzzy matching and items filtering
Approximate (fuzzy) string matching just like you are used to from Sublime Text and others.
Fuzzy search with bias towards matching tokens
Fuzzy string matcher
Run all your NPM scripts more easily with fuzzy matching
Measure the difference between two strings using the Levenshtein distance algorithm
- leven
- levenshtein
- distance
- algorithm
- string
- difference
- diff
- fast
- fuzzy
- similar
- similarity
- compare
- comparison
- edit
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Yet another javascript fuzzy matching library
Fastest Levenshtein distance implementation in JS.
- levenshtein
- distance
- fast
- fastest
- edit
- string
- similarity
- algorithm
- match
- comparison
- fuzzy
- search
- matching
- similar
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