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Utility method to run function either synchronously or asynchronously using the common `this.async()` style.
Chainable asynchronous flow control with sequential and parallel primitives and pipeline-style error handling
jQuery style Deferreds
- underscore deferreds
- underscore deferred
- deferreds
- deferred
- Deferred
- defered
- flow
- control
- async
- asynchronous
- flow-control
- underscore
- _
- jquery
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Simple flow control for multiple parallel async calls.
Execute async code in chronological order. The sequence module of FuturesJS (Browser, Node.js, Bower, and Pakmanager)
The promise / subscribe / deferred module of FuturesJS (Ender.JS and Node.JS)
Standard library for Node/Sails applications. Hand-picked and maintained by the Sails.js core team.
- sails
- stdlib
- waterline
- flow-control
- sails-stdlib
- await
- bcrypt
- hash-password
- encrypt-password
- passwords
- avatar
- gravatar
- mailgun-api
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A drop-in replacement for `redux-thunk` that allows middleware to detect that a thunk has been dispatched from within another thunk
The join / synchronize module of FuturesJS (Browser, Node.js, Bower, and Pakmanager)
a asynchronous-asynchronous flow control library which runs on node and in browsers
A tiny control-flow library for node
fluent async: functional programming support for asynchronous functions.
promise-style async sequence flow-control
Sequential es2015 (es6) promise executor
- es6
- es2015
- promise
- promises
- sequence
- sequential
- series
- serial
- promiseq
- flow-control
- flow control
- sync
- synchronous
- promise sequence
High Performance Congestion Control Map-Queue hybrid for NodeJs applications
- congestion
- performance
- queue
- qp
- congestion-control
- load-control
- smart-queue
- keep-alive
- throttle
- memoized
- memoize
- framework
- priority
- promise
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An async flow-control library for JavaScript (Browser and NodeJS)
- flow-control
- sequence
- chain
- join
- async
- asynchronous
- futures
- promises
- deferreds
- subscriptions
- chaining
- util
- server
- client
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Padlock works to prevent unexpected code execution when dealing with asynchronous callbacks without blocking. Call a function with lock to execute it as soon as a lock can be attained, and unlock it at all of your possible callback end-points. Use the sam
Like forEachAsync and Join had a baby: sequences out n batches of async functions rather than all at once. Part of FuturesJS (Browser, Node.js, Bower, Pakmanager)
additional plugins for asynquence
l8 is an *experimental* pthread/erlang inspired task manager for javascript. Simple tasks becomes 'paroles', complex tasks become functions broken in 'steps'. l8 comes with synchronisation and distribution tools including semaphores, mutexes, message queu