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Make correct first/last name combination among different languages.
Parses full names into small chunks, like first and last name.
Get the last or last n elements in an array.
Get all but the last element or last n elements of an array.
Split a string on the first occurance of a given separator
Buffer and transform the n first bytes of a stream
LRU and FIFO caches for Client or Server
Find the first element in an array that passes a callback test. Equivalent to underscore.find()
Module to provide the ordinal letters following a numeral
Simple function that return the first non null or undefined argument
Library to get first day of week.
Returns `true` if the given string or array starts with prefix using strict equality for comparisons. Using fastest implementation.
Uppercase first character of each element in arrays of strings.
Retrieve the common prefix across multiple strings
Determines whether a string ends with the characters of another string.
english name/salutation/suffix parsing.
Redux First History - Redux history binding support react-router - @reach/router - wouter
- redux-first-history
- redux
- first
- history
- react
- router
- connected
- react-router-redux
- react-router
- connected-react-router
- @reach/router
- wouter
A list, huge one (~200K) of human male/female first/last names.
Contextualized promises by name and symbol
- async
- asynchronous
- context
- manage
- manager
- managed
- contexts
- promise
- await
- coroutine
- co
- copromise
- generator
- yield
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remark-lint rule to warn when the first heading has a level other than a specified value