Search results
3380 packages found
multipart/form-data parser which supports streaming
Fast and powerful CSV parser for the browser that supports web workers and streaming large files. Converts CSV to JSON and JSON to CSV.
The fastest in-browser CSV (or delimited text) parser for React. It is full of useful features such as CSVReader, CSVDownloader, readString, jsonToCSV, readRemoteFile, ... etc.
- react
- react-papaparse
- react-csv
- react-csv-parser
- react-csv-reader
- csv
- csv-parser
- component
- react-component
- parser
- parse
- parsing
- data
- file
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Parser for [Github](, [GitLab]( and [Bitbucket]( issues actions, references and mentions
- promise
- callbind
- args
- Object.defineProperty
- argparse
- limit
- elasticache
- language
- byteLength
- wordwrap
- argv
- korean
- command
- ES7
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Parse bytes to human readable sizes (4747) → ('4.75 KB') and vice versa.
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- less mixins
- concatMap
- stdlib
- look-up
- helpers
- Observables
- stable
- WebSockets
- watcher
- jwt
- time
- ES5
- bundling
- sort
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A Node.js parser for converting Team Fortress 2 game files to JSON objects.
A (fork of) powerful yet easy-to-use epub parser
Pollyfill for node.js `path.parse`, parses a filepath into an object.
- absolute
- basename
- dir
- directory
- dirname
- ext
- extension
- extname
- file
- filename
- filepath
- is-absolute
- name
- object
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Parses web pages and files for values.
[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
- regular expressions
- ES2018
- scheme
- call-bound
- Symbol
- equal
- Array
- real-time
- intrinsic
- find
- code points
- lru
- mru
- _.extend
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<img alt="rocket" src="rocket.svg" width="120" />
- is
- ES2023
- bound
- fixed-width
- tools
- ES2022
- in
- css variable
- route53
- object
- RFC-6455
- URLSearchParams
- require
- trimEnd
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url] [![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-im
[![dependency status][5]][6] [![dev dependency status][7]][8] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
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- rds
- cloudfront
- text
- tape
- bdd
- tostringtag
- obj
- regular expression
- fast-deep-copy
- groupBy
- Observables
- eslintconfig
- define
- descriptors
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`Rambda` is smaller and faster alternative to the popular functional programming library **Ramda**. - [Documentation](
- east-asian-width
- moment
- yup
- tdd
- stringifier
- waf
- assertion
- watchFile
- speed
- fast-clone
- karma
- eslintconfig
- typescript
- typed
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Parse and create torrent files
[NPMURL]: "npm" [NPMIMGURL]: [BuildStatusURL]:
- concat
- valid
- variables
- descriptors
- Float32Array
- queueMicrotask
- formatting
- styleguide
- listeners
- awesomesauce
- match
- qs
- array
- ECMAScript 2023
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TypeORM TypeScript file parser
- jest
- task
- querystring
- airbnb
- hasOwnProperty
- hasOwn
- es2015
- Array.prototype.flatMap
- cors
- watchFile
- input
- make
- protocol-buffers
- Uint16Array
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