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38 packages found
A React component to use file icons more flexible.
A library for rendering file extension icons in React
file-icons-vue,为 Vue.js 项目提供文件图标的npm依赖库。file-icons-vue, a npm dependency package that provides file icons for Vue.js projects.
file-icons-vue,为 Vue.js 项目提供文件图标的npm依赖库。file-icons-vue, a npm dependency package that provides file icons for Vue.js projects.
<p align="center"> <a href="" rel="noopener"> <img width=100px height=100px src="" alt="SL Code LORDS"></a> </p>
Provides VSCode Webviews with access to file icon theme data and generates required css to render file icon themes in Webviews.
Get the icon of a file or app as a PNG image (macOS)
Beautiful material style file type icons in a simple react component.
FontAwesome icon component for Chonky file browser
A collection of file type SVG icons, licensed MIT and available for free use in your applications.
Hide your desktop icons while recording
Get the icon of a file or app as a PNG image (macOS)
Load SVG files over XHR and embed the SVG content into the DOM.
Get the icon of a file or app as a PNG image (macOS)
Get the icon of a file or app as a PNG image (macOS)
Pretty colorful icons for files (in svg format).
OSX CLI for managing custom icons for files and folders
css colors file extension icons
File icons in Brackets' file tree.