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3103 packages found
Hashing made simple. Get the hash of a buffer/string/stream/file.
[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
- less mixins
- concatMap
- stdlib
- look-up
- helpers
- Observables
- stable
- WebSockets
- watcher
- jwt
- time
- ES5
- bundling
- sort
- View more
Create a hash for file revving
[简体中文](https://@diotoborg/ | [日本語](https://@diotoborg/ | [한국어](https://@diotoborg/ | [Italiano](https://@diotoborg/ | [Português Brasileiro](https://@d
- symbol
- object
- higher-order
- rangeerror
- es
- fetch
- escape
- contains
- read
- Array.prototype.includes
- json
- i18n
- Object
- touch
- View more
[![Project license](]( [![Project license](]( [![Discord](https://img.
- react
- concat
- flatten
- deep
- browser
- create
- fast-copy
- TypedArray
- logger
- Array.prototype.flat
- callbind
- state
- functions
- View more
> Safely flatten a nested JavaScript object.
- package manager
- password
- visual
- Object.entries
- scheme-validation
- yup
- collection
- setPrototypeOf
- unicode
- dataView
- RFC-6455
- await
- bind
- View more
[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url] [![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-im
A static file server for fancy apps
[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url] [![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-im
- ReactiveExtensions
- command
- util
- Object.fromEntries
- dir
- entries
- columns
- Set
- setter
- ECMAScript 2020
- own
- lint
- typesafe
- tdd
- View more
[NPMURL]: "npm" [NPMIMGURL]: [BuildStatusURL]:
- concat
- valid
- variables
- descriptors
- Float32Array
- queueMicrotask
- formatting
- styleguide
- listeners
- awesomesauce
- match
- qs
- array
- ECMAScript 2023
- View more
Simple file storage that generates hashes for stored files
generate a buildinfo.json file to public directory
@hishprorg/iure-optio-nihil ==============
- xhr
- classnames
- multi-package
- less compiler
- es5
- stringify
- term
- Promise
- redact
- shell
- Object.values
- settings
- make dir
- cloudformation
- View more
[![Known Vulnerabilities](]( [![NPM quality][quality-image]][quality-url] [![Coverage Sta
- uuid
- throttle
- typedarrays
- structuredClone
- matches
- toStringTag
- ES3
- getopt
- Array.prototype.findLast
- es2017
- streams
- get
- Observables
- hookform
- View more
[![NPM Version](]( [![MIT License](](LICENSE) [![CI](htt
- flat
- eslint-plugin
- less compiler
- flatMap
- elb
- karma
- Underscore
- compile less
- postcss-plugin
- starter
- gradients css
- lint
- stateless
- lru
- View more
[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][5]][6] [![dev dependency status][7]][8] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
- BigUint64Array
- rgb
- airbnb
- 0
- a11y
- predictable
- fsevents
- Array.prototype.contains
- korean
- Underscore
- concat
- jwt
- dynamodb
- WebSocket
- View more
- jest
- task
- querystring
- airbnb
- hasOwnProperty
- hasOwn
- es2015
- Array.prototype.flatMap
- cors
- watchFile
- input
- make
- protocol-buffers
- Uint16Array
- View more
- Observables
- less css
- require
- gdpr
- array
- web
- modules
- typescript
- eventDispatcher
- mime
- which
- vest
- length
- ArrayBuffer
- View more
<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Stitch (GameMaker Pipeline Development Kit) Logo"/> </p>
- trimEnd
- collection
- emit
- lru
- redux
- jest
- bootstrap less
- curl
- Array.prototype.contains
- intrinsic
- columns
- stringifier
- minimal
- whatwg
- View more
Adler-32 hashing algorithm with support for running and rolling checksums.