Search results
30 packages found
React Native Biometrics Scanner for Android and iOS
- react-native
- react-native-component
- react-component
- react
- native
- touch
- touchid
- touch-id
- fingerprint
- fingerprint-scanner
- authentication
- authenticate
- auth
- face-id
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React Native biometric functionality for signing and encryption
React Native biometric functionality for signing and encryption
React Native biometric functionality for signing and encryption
A React-Native module to enable biometric login and securely store user credentials using native apis.
- react-native
- ios
- android
- face-id
- touch-id
- touchid
- faceid
- fingerprint
- fingerprint-scanner
- touch
- face
- authentication
- auth
React Native Biometrics Scanner for Android and iOS
- react-native
- react-native-component
- react-component
- react
- native
- touch
- touchid
- touch-id
- fingerprint
- fingerprint-scanner
- authentication
- authenticate
- auth
- face-id
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A forked repository that comes from SelfLender/react-native-biometrics and includes React Native biometric functionality for signing and encryption that allows additional options when generating keys (more added later)
React Native biometric functionality for signing and encryption. Supports deactivation of encryption on domain-state change (fork of
React Native biometric functionality for signing and encryption
React Native Biometrics Scanner for Android and iOS
- react-native
- react-native-component
- react-component
- react
- native
- touch
- touchid
- touch-id
- fingerprint
- fingerprint-scanner
- authentication
- authenticate
- auth
- face-id
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React Native Biometrics Scanner for Android and iOS
- react-native
- react-native-component
- react-component
- react
- native
- touch
- touchid
- touch-id
- fingerprint
- fingerprint-scanner
- authentication
- authenticate
- auth
- face-id
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React Native Biometrics Scanner for Android and iOS,implementation 'com.github.uccmawei:FingerprintIdentify:1.2.6'
- react-native
- react-native-component
- react-component
- react
- native
- touch
- touchid
- touch-id
- fingerprint
- fingerprint-scanner
- authentication
- authenticate
- auth
- face-id
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React Native biometric functionality for signing and encryption with optional fallback passcode option in IOS.
- react-native
- android
- ios
- biometrics
- authentication
- auth
- fingerprint
- touch-id
- face-id
- react-native-biometrics
- react-native-touch-id
- react-native-keychain
- keychain
React Native authentication with the native Touch ID & Face ID popup.
- react-native
- react
- native
- bio-id
- touch-id
- face-id
- react-component
- react-native-component
- authentication
- auth
- authenticate
- mobile
Plugin para autenticar con metodos biometricos
React Native Biometrics Scanner for Android and iOS
- react-native
- react-native-component
- react-component
- react
- native
- touch
- touchid
- touch-id
- fingerprint
- fingerprint-scanner
- authentication
- authenticate
- auth
- face-id
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React Native biometric functionality for signing and encryption
React Native face or fingerprint or iris or pin or schema functionality for signing
React Native library biometric authentication.