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20 packages found
rehype plugin to remove content of external JavaScript `script` elements
This is a hubot extension designed to allow you to break free from node, coffeescript, and javascript and still have all the chat operations you'd like.
TypeScript Starter Kit
lazy load external js scripts and libraries in your angular projects. this module will handle loading the script you need before you use it in your components.
Append multiple scripts and stylesheets to the document body as functions
The core module of nexl ( nexl-js ) package for parsing and executing nexl expressions. Based on vm2 sandbox.
- nexl
- nexl-js
- server
- rest
- web
- service
- http
- centralized
- config
- configuration
- storage
- data
- external
- javascript
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Webpack config helpers to exclude react from bundle and load it from external script (via CDN).
nexl is a configuration hosting server. Configuration is stored in native JavaScript files, exposed via standard HTTP protocol and can be accessed by special expression language
- nexl
- nexl-js
- nexl-engine
- server
- rest
- web
- service
- http
- centralized
- config
- configuration
- storage
- data
- external
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Adds the ability to use `include` as part of the JavaScript syntax. Includes external JavaScript code inline.
Anonymously execute external functions from another script
Load a remote script asynchronously
The most simple and flexible JavaScript modal library.
Lazy loading scripts in an Angular 2 lazy loaded module? No probs!
A utiltiy for Aurelia + TypeScript + JSPM users that installs exact .d.ts versions as external modules.
A tiny library that loads and manages external third-party JavaScript snippets.
When vite is packaged, the specified package is changed to be imported from CDN.
Loads external Javascript files asynchronously using promises
Prevent user from installing your package without required executables
Loads help from external scripts.
Registry invoker is a generic JavaScript base to manage communications between your instances & offer an internal registry to store & exchange your values.