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28 packages found
A utility to export HTML tables to Word documents
Export from a tiptap json document to Microsoft word
Export from a prosemirror document to Microsoft word
Export from a MyST Markdown document to Microsoft Word (*.docx)
Converts a WordPress export XML file into Markdown files.
Converts a WordPress export XML file into Markdown files.
XML(WXR) file generator for fully support official WordPress Import Plugin with Custom Post Meta.
Export from a prosemirror document to Microsoft word forked from curvenote/prosemirror-docx
Enable or disable Wordpress debug
Convert Wordpress comment into Jekyll for Staticman.
A utility to convert yaml data into a Wordpress XML import
Export your grid data to many document. Support doc, xls, pdf, csv, xml, html, and print out.
Convert Wordpress blog to Jekyll format.
export file, such as pdf, png, word
table export, support json、csv、txt、xml、word、excel、image、pdf
WordPress WXR (XML) file generator for importing posts, pages, categories, tags, menus, menu items, users, WooCommerce products, product categories and product attributes, media files for products and posts
XML(WXR) file generator for fully support official WordPress Import Plugin.
A simple tool to create a CSV file of products in an Wordpress .xml export file