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ESLint shareable config for the Anolilab JavaScript style guide.
- anolilab
- lint
- styleguide
- eslint
- eslintconfig
- eslint-config
- config
- javascript
- es2015
- es2016
- es2017
- es2018
- es2020
- globals
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published version 15.0.3, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT
ESLint rules used in the City of Sault Ste. Marie's TypeScript projects.
- eslint
- eslint-config
- eslintconfig
- cspell
- eslint-plugin
- eslint-plugin-eslint-comments
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-jsdoc
- eslint-plugin-n
- eslint-plugin-no-secrets
- eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized
- eslint-plugin-promise
- eslint-plugin-regexp
- eslint-plugin-security
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published version 19.0.0, 10 days ago0 dependents licensed under $Unlicense
Comprehensive and configurable ESLint config for Vue 3 projects with TypeScript support
- vue
- vue3
- eslint
- eslint-config
- code
- quality
- eslint-plugin
- code style
- javascript
- typescript
- json
- jsonc
- json5
- jsdoc
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published version 1.2.91, 7 months ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT
Confiks is a library designed to assist in the installation and configuration of frontend projects. Utilize this Command Line Interface (CLI) to swiftly install essential dependencies.
- confiks
- cli
- git
- init
- configure
- configuration
- frontend
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
- biomejs
- @commitlint/cli
- @commitlint/config-conventional
- eslint
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published version 1.12.0, 8 months ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT
ESLint settings for Playwright Typescript projects with ESLint Prettier Unicorn SonarJS
- typescript
- playwright
- eslint
- eslint-config
- prettier
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-plugin-unicorn
- eslint-plugin-sonarjs
- eslint-plugin-playwright
- code quality
- vscode
- javascript
- front-end
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published version 1.1.12, 10 months ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC
Developer setup for Playwright Typescript projects with ESLint Prettier Unicorn SonarJS
- typescript
- playwright
- eslint
- eslint-config
- prettier
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-plugin-unicorn
- eslint-plugin-sonarjs
- eslint-plugin-playwright
- code quality
- vscode
- javascript
- front-end
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published version 1.0.5, 10 months ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC
Basic eslint config.
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- eslint
- eslint-plugin-better-styled-components
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-jest
- eslint-plugin-jest-dom
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks
- eslint-plugin-redux-saga
- eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort
- eslint-plugin-sort-keys-fix
- eslint-plugin-testing-library
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published version 1.0.1, 4 years ago0 dependents
Prettier settings for Playwright Typescript projects with ESLint Prettier Unicorn SonarJS
- typescript
- playwright
- eslint
- eslint-config
- prettier
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-plugin-unicorn
- eslint-plugin-sonarjs
- eslint-plugin-playwright
- code quality
- vscode
- javascript
- front-end
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published version 1.1.7, 10 months ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC
Basic eslint config.
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- eslint
- eslint-plugin-ban
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-jest
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort
- eslint-plugin-sort-keys-fix
- eslint-plugin-typescript-sort-keys
- eslint-plugin-unicorn
- prettier
published version 1.0.0, 4 years ago0 dependents