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29 packages found
UX Select is a lightweight Native JavaScript plugin that replace native select elements with customization
- web
- front-end
- HTMLSelect
- select
- dropdown
- multiple select
- disabled select
- searchable select
- group option select
- ui select
- ux select
- lightweight
- TypeScript
- Native JavaScript
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Collection of React statements
WebGL Fluid Simulation for modern webpages (works even on mobile)
Extends `glob` with support for filtering files according to gitignore rules and exposes an optional Promise API with NO performance issues
A thin wrapper to use the Web Storage API with namespaces, easily, and safely.
- webstorage
- webstorageapi
- web-storage
- web-storage-api
- localstorage
- sessionstorage
- namespace
- namespacing
- typescript
- esm
- esmodule
- es-module
A tiny vanilla (zero-dependency) non-visual native browser web component (plug-n-play custom HTML element and extensible class) that helps implement custom patterns for promoting progressive web apps (PWA) installation
- web-component
- webcomponent
- web-components
- webcomponents
- custom-element
- customelement
- custom-elements
- customelements
- html
- html-element
- htmlelement
- html-elements
- htmlelements
- es-module
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Module script to render Markdown directly into DOM on web browsers
Module script to redirect web browsers to another location without any server configuration.
Transform ESM to Common JS for present NodeJS, without any junk wrappers or useless renaming
A collection of node modules re-exported as ES Modules
Turn a Babel JavaScript file into a MJS code
Command-line function and executable
Check if current module is main module.
Module script to render Markdown directrly into DOM on web browsers
Turn a normal Babel JavaScript file that uses ES module import syntax into a .mjs file that imports exact URL.
Allows simple integration of Mermaid diagram into