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1152 packages found
This package permit to have a centralized dotenv on a monorepo. It also includes some extra features such as manipulation and saving of changes to the dotenv file, a default centralized file, and a file loader with ordering and priorities.
- monorepo
- dotenv
- dotenv-expand
- expand
- vars
- variables
- load
- loader
- mono
- one
- single
- centralized
- repo
- changes
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Find and remove unused es6 module imports. It works by splitting up the `no-unused-vars` rule depending on it being an import statement in the AST and providing an autofix rule to remove the nodes if they are imports. This plugin composes the rule `no-unu
- last
- has
- spinners
- JSON-Schema
- eventEmitter
- name
- rm -fr
- Underscore
- syntax
- batch
- trimEnd
- invariant
- stringify
- redact
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A lightweight utility to check the presence and validity of environment variables, as specified by a Zod schema
- env
- environment
- variables
- check
- check-env-vars
- check-env
- check-env-variables
- validate
- validate-env-vars
- validate-env
- validate-env-variables
- ensure
- ensure-env-vars
- ensure-env
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Simple package that enables you to load .env files in to process.env and also do variable expansion in a predetermined order based on the NODE_ENV environment variable value.
- dot-env
- env
- load-env
- environment
- env vars
- environment variables
- next-env
- process env
- env config
- env file
- env loader
- env parser
- env reader
- env variables
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url] [![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-im
- ReactiveExtensions
- command
- util
- Object.fromEntries
- dir
- entries
- columns
- Set
- setter
- ECMAScript 2020
- own
- lint
- typesafe
- tdd
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- jest
- task
- querystring
- airbnb
- hasOwnProperty
- hasOwn
- es2015
- Array.prototype.flatMap
- cors
- watchFile
- input
- make
- protocol-buffers
- Uint16Array
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- Object.fromEntries
- code points
- ES2023
- flag
- define
- spec
- util.inspect
- sameValueZero
- https
- wrap
- postcss-plugin
- fast-clone
- tester
- colors
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
- plugin
- number
- storagegateway
- folder
- logging
- bdd
- qs
- fixed-width
- ES2022
- endpoint
- drop
- RegExp#flags
- eslint-plugin
- fast
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Environment variables substitution for Node
Package that makes dealing with environment variables type safe
Parser for [Github](, [GitLab]( and [Bitbucket]( issues actions, references and mentions
- promise
- callbind
- args
- Object.defineProperty
- argparse
- limit
- elasticache
- language
- byteLength
- wordwrap
- argv
- korean
- command
- ES7
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- global
- superagent
- match
- define
- write
- StyleSheet
- format
- fastify
- ast
- clone
- iconv
- route53
- https
- readablestream
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
- bluebird
- ava
- css variable
- sameValueZero
- deterministic
- ES2017
- autoscaling
- columns
- chai
- typed array
- Streams
- Array
- output
- web
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[![Build Status](]( [![npm version](](http
- es-shim API
- Microsoft
- batch
- ajv
- zero
- regular expression
- coercible
- jshint
- estree
- parent
- Array.prototype.flatMap
- listeners
- operating-system
- clone
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Type safe control over environment variables in typescript
- node
- promises
- look
- column
- ECMAScript 2022
- Array.prototype.findLast
- promise
- Int8Array
- toolkit
- deterministic
- which
- Array.prototype.contains
- persistent
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- operating-system
- fast-deep-clone
- status
- endpoint
- wordbreak
- shrinkwrap
- RxJS
- fullwidth
- mkdirp
- ESnext
- prototype
- reducer
- less compiler
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- css
- eslint-plugin
- ArrayBuffer#slice
- compare
- BigUint64Array
- directory
- colors
- query
- fastclone
- limited
- gradients css3
- symlink
- util.inspect
- typedarray
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- ES2022
- writable
- collection.es6
- sigterm
- guid
- fast-clone
- i18n
- setter
- signals
- env
- gradients css3
- vest
- jest
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