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1000+ packages found

Delightful JavaScript Testing.

published version 29.7.0, a year ago13846 dependents licensed under $MIT

Delightful JavaScript Testing.

published version 29.7.0, a year ago1532 dependents licensed under $MIT

Delightful JavaScript Testing.

published version 29.7.0, a year ago33 dependents licensed under $MIT

Hashing made simple. Get the hash of a buffer/string/stream/file.

published version 6.0.0, a year ago728 dependents licensed under $MIT

Easy way to make a Readable Stream

published version 0.1.7, 8 years ago91 dependents licensed under $MIT

<crud-table> renders object-arrays with options-panel and inline edit per row. Dispatches events for ongoing data handling. As self-containing webcomponent or for Svelte in 60KB

published version 1.6.3, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

A Simple, Easy and Beginner Friendly XP System. Edit of simply-xp

published version 2.4.3, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Easy and customizable economy module for your Discord Bot.

published version 1.7.7, 6 months ago3 dependents licensed under $MIT

Quick Mongo Super is a light-weight and easy-to-use Node.js module written in TypeScript to work with MongoDB.

published version 3.0.2, 4 months ago7 dependents licensed under $MIT

Simple autocomplete pure vanilla Javascript library.

published version 10.2.9, 2 months ago29 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Job queue for PostgreSQL

published version 0.16.6, 8 months ago26 dependents licensed under $MIT

A super quick, easy to setup logging tool for NodeJS/TypeScript.

published version 2.0.1, 3 months ago23 dependents licensed under $MIT

A library that helps you write tiny, fast and beautiful CLI apps that can automatically check for updates.

published version 1.4.3, 3 months ago25 dependents

Make configurable canvas easily with Canvafy

published version 7.2.0, 3 months ago4 dependents licensed under $GPL-3.0

Easily inject checkout.js as a react component. Will load the script on demand and supports all the options from stripe docs.

published version 2.6.3, 7 years ago40 dependents licensed under $MIT

Futuristic scaffolding tool ⚔

published version 1.7.1, 5 years ago238 dependents licensed under $MIT

split/binary-split but lines contain byte offset in the source stream and gives access to last line fragment

published version 1.0.0, 9 years ago14 dependents licensed under $ISC

A node module to merge PDFs. Uses Apache PDFBox library.

published version 0.2.6, 4 years ago41 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

⭐ React Native Select List Equivalent to Html's Select with options"

published version 2.0.5, a year ago8 dependents licensed under $MIT

An easy, non-locking, persistent better-sqlite3 wrapper designed to be easy to setup & utilize

published version 9.1.7, a year ago280 dependents licensed under $MIT