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43 packages found
Quadedge data structure after Guibas & Stolfi
Fast, incremental 2D Delaunay & Voronoi mesh implementation
Enhances glTF files exported by Dual Universe's Mesh Exporter so they have proper colors and textures applied to them
Dual listbox for multi-select elements
Multivariate dual number algebra, automatic differentiation
A vanilla js range Slider utility handling dual inputs
A highly optimized and fully customizable pure angular component for value range selection.
- library
- angularlibrary
- ng
- Angular
- native
- angular-native
- angular-component
- custom
- range
- dual
- single
- slider
- single-slider
- dual-slider
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Dual ESM/CommonJS wrapper around lodash
Multi-select widget where users can select options from a list in the left side to a list on the right
Simple react split-view component with resizing divider
View, ScrollView, ListView and FlatList with dual background
Convert a 4x4 matrix into a dual quaternion. Useful for skeletal animation (dual quaternion linear blending)
Convert a set of keyframe matrices into dual quaternions
The list box include dynamically generated tree
General purpose level set extraction
- surface
- net
- marching
- cubes
- polygonize
- isosurface
- ndarray
- extract
- boundary
- volume
- squares
- surface nets
- dual contouring
- dual
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Numerical analysis and number theory library for JavaScript
- ndarray
- array
- matrix
- vector
- multi
- multidimensional
- dimension
- dual
- dual-number
- numpy
- math
- numerical-analysis
- number-theory
Toggle mirroring of external displays easily
Convert a dual quaternion into a 4x4 matrix
Supports pack file testing for dual modules using Rollup.
Find the faces of a planar graph