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22 packages found
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PX4 ULog file reader
JavaScript framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT) using Node.js
PX4 ULog file reader
Javascript bindings for dji-log-parser rust library
Authenticate users with AirMap
Cylon module for the Parrot ARDrone 2.0
Mapbox GL JS plugin to view and interact with AirMap's Contextual Airspace Rules
command-line application that reads a DJI '.txt' file and outputs a json.
Cylon module for Keyboard
Allows users to fly Parrot Bluetooth drones using Leap Motion
Cylon module for the Parrot Bebop drone
The ultimate node.js library for controlling Bitcraze Crazyflie 2.0 drones
- swarm
- swarms
- crazyflie
- crazyflie 2.0
- bitcraze
- crazyradio
- crazyradio pa
- drone
- drones
- quadcopter
- quadcopters
- nanocopter
- nanocopters
- world
Mapbox GL JS plugin to view and interact with AirMap's Contextual Airspace Rules
Azure Maps JS plugin to view and interact with AirMap's Contextual Airspace Rules
Node.js module which provides an Dronetrack API client
Mp3 player drone running on the stark orchestrator in browsers.
A Server to handle camera requests from embedded applications using opencv
drones controller
Browser Client for the Stark distributed orchestrator.
JavaScript framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT) using Node.js