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Client library for the Draftable document comparison API
- draftable
- api
- compare
- comparison
- comparisons
- word
- document
- documents
- doc
- docx
- powerpoint
- presentation
- presentations
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A vue document preview component
Mongoose MongoDB ODM
A document head manager for React
Create and modify PDF files with JavaScript
Better handling for window object in SSR environment
A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
- canvas
- contenteditable
- custom
- document
- edit
- editor
- html
- immutable
- markdown
- medium
- paper
- react
- rich
- richtext
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A PDF generation library for Node.js
A PDF generation library for Node.js
Tools for building completely customizable richtext editors with React.
- canvas
- contenteditable
- docs
- document
- edit
- editor
- editable
- html
- immutable
- markdown
- medium
- paper
- react
- rich
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Retrieve all keys and nested keys from objects and arrays of objects.
A document path library for Node
- document
- json
- json library
- document path
- doc-path
- doc path
- doc
- path
- json path
- path evaluator
- object
- object path
- parse
- parser
Component and hook for handling window and document object in iframe or ssr environment
Polyfill/shim for `document.contains`
A react native interface to access documents from dropbox, google drive, iCloud...
Easily generate .docx files with JS/TS with a nice declarative API. Works for Node and on the Browser.
Transforms jsdoc data into something more suitable for use as template input
Simple utility for watching and retrieving browser viewport width, height, vmin and vmax
- viewport
- browser
- window
- document
- width
- height
- innerWidth
- innerHeight
- clientWidth
- clientHeight
- dimensions
- dimension
Manage document head data with react-helmet. Provides drop-in server rendering support for Gatsby.
Tools for building completely customizable richtext editors with React.
- canvas
- contenteditable
- docs
- document
- edit
- editor
- editable
- html
- immutable
- markdown
- medium
- paper
- react
- rich
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