Search results
18 packages found
Simple ytdl wrapper for discord bots with custom ffmpeg args support.
- ytdl-core
- ytdl-core-discord
- discord.js-bassboost
- bassboost
- discord
- music
- bot
- ytdl-discord
- ytdl-ffmpeg
- discord-ytdl-core
- prism-media
- discord-musicbot
- musicbot
- discord.js-encoderargs
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Complete framework to facilitate music commands using discord.js
- music
- player
- bot
- framework
- discord
- volume
- queue
- youtube
- discord.js
- musicbot
- discord-music-player
- discord-music
- music-player
- youtube-dl
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Complete framework to facilitate music commands using discord.js
- music
- player
- bot
- framework
- discord
- volume
- queue
- youtube
- discord.js
- musicbot
- discord-music-player
- discord-music
- music-player
- youtube-dl
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Complete framework to facilitate music commands using discord.js
- music
- player
- bot
- framework
- discord
- volume
- queue
- youtube
- discord.js
- musicbot
- discord-music-player
- discord-music
- music-player
- youtube-dl
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This is a fork of discord-player module
- music
- player
- bot
- framework
- discord
- volume
- queue
- youtube
- discord.js
- musicbot
- discord-music-player
- discord-music
- music-player
- youtube-dl
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A Simple and easy Package made to run music with YT
- discord-tunes
- discord
- music
- bot
- free-package
- prism-media
- discord-musicbot
- musicbot
- discord.js-voice
- discord-music-player
Simple ytdl wrapper for discord bots with custom ffmpeg args support.
- ytdl-core
- ytdl-core-discord
- discord.js-bassboost
- bassboost
- discord
- music
- bot
- ytdl-discord
- ytdl-ffmpeg
- discord-ytdl-core
- prism-media
- discord-musicbot
- musicbot
- discord.js-encoderargs
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Easy to use, framework to facilitate music commands using discord.js
- music
- player
- bot
- framework
- discord
- volume
- queue
- youtube
- discord.js
- musicbot
- discord-music-player
- discord-music
- music-player
- youtube-dl
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LightWeight Framework for discord.js v14 Music Bots and Radio Bots with fast moderation with commands and no memory leak mode
- jericho-player
- music-player
- youtube
- discord-music-player
- spotify
- soundcloud
- player-framework
- player
- youtube-dl
- play-dl
- music-framework
- discord bots
- distube
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edit discord-player by Androz2091 package using discord.js v12
- music
- player
- bot
- framework
- discord
- volume
- queue
- youtube
- discord.js
- musicbot
- discord-music-player
- discord-music
- music-player
- youtube-dl
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Complete framework to facilitate music commands using discord.js
- music
- player
- bot
- framework
- discord
- volume
- queue
- youtube
- discord.js
- musicbot
- discord-music-player
- discord-music
- music-player
- youtube-dl
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Simple ytdl wrapper for discord bots with custom ffmpeg args support.
- ytdl-core
- ytdl-core-discord
- discord.js-bassboost
- bassboost
- discord
- music
- bot
- ytdl-discord
- ytdl-ffmpeg
- discord-ytdl-core
- prism-media
- discord-musicbot
- musicbot
- discord.js-encoderargs
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A simple, powerful, and user-friendly music package for your Discord bot. Designed for DJS v14.
- musicord
- discord-player
- discord-music-system
- distube
- music
- discord
- bot
- youtube
- discord-music-
- discord-music-player
- discord-youtube
- youtube-music
Discord Youtube Player a music player based on discord.js
Complete framework to facilitate music commands using discord.js
- music
- player
- bot
- framework
- discord
- volume
- queue
- youtube
- discord.js
- musicbot
- discord-music-player
- discord-music
- music-player
- youtube-dl
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Simple ytdl wrapper for discord bots with custom ffmpeg args support.
- ytdl-core
- ytdl-core-discord
- discord.js-bassboost
- bassboost
- discord
- music
- bot
- ytdl-discord
- ytdl-ffmpeg
- discord-ytdl-core
- prism-media
- discord-musicbot
- musicbot
- discord.js-encoderargs
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A Lavalink Music Package for Discord.js
- lava
- musicc
- musicplayer
- player
- bot
- framework
- discord
- volume
- queue
- youtube
- discord.js
- musicbot
- discord-music-player
- discord-music
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DiscordJS v13 Müzik Modülü