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69 packages found
America's next top modal
A simple message box component for React, implementing a .NET-like MessageBox pattern with async/await.
America's next top modal.
Toast notification and dialog box notification for react native
Simple Confirm Dialog verification plugin with Vue 3.
dialog popup for react-native
Vue dialog modal box (alert, prompt, confirm)
DialogLite is designed to control a dialog box (modal window) on a web page, providing the functionality to open, close and apply custom styles through a simple interface.
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- modal
- dialog
- management
- component
- UI
- interface
- event
- handling
- keyboard
- accessibility
- manipulation
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Text boxes (dialogs, multi lines text, etc) for litecanvas games.
html5 dialog element animation and style.
- dialog
- modal
- dialogbox
- modalbox
- react typescript dialog
- html5 dialog element
- dialog box animation
- modal box animation
Toast notification and dialog box notification for react native
Toast notification and dialog box notification for react native
Use to show message by using Dialog, snackbar or to show side in React
simple reactjs modal box
Have you ever wanted to have a lite weight modal popup, dialogue box, or free moving window? Well... I needed one. And here it is... a lite weight pop-up fully configurable with modal, dialog, and free workspace like window... all in one package!
- Angular 6+
- lightweight
- popup
- modal
- window
- dialog
- alert
- dialog box
- message box
- confirm box
- easy
- customizable
- draggable
High-quality web components for common user interface patterns
- web components
- calendar
- combo box
- custom elements
- carousel
- date picker
- dialog
- drawer
- dropdown
- list box
- menu
- overlay
- popup
- pull to refresh
- View more
Toast notification and dialog box notification for react native
Toast notification and dialog box notification for react native
Web Component to implement a confirm dialog box opened in a modal box