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A toolbox for displaying and modifying diagrams on the web
Direct editing support for diagram-js
A minimap for diagram-js
A visual grid for diagram-js
A origin crosshair for diagram-js
Align diagrams to the diagram origin
A visual grid background for diagram-js, base on diagram-js-grid.
- diagram-js
- grid
- bpmn-js
- diagram-js-grid-bg
- diagram-js-grid-background
- bpmn-js-grid-bg
- bpmn-js-grid-background
A typescript wrapper around diagram-js
Petri net modeling tool for viewing and editing Petri nets in the browser. Supports the import and export of .pnml files.
A bpmn-js plugin used to render Label tags outside of nodes.
A code-editor for diagram-js
An element context menu component for diagram-js/bpmn-js use, base on diagram-js/lib/features/context-pad..
A palette that supports folding and unfolding, provided for diagram-js use. Base on diagram-js/palette.
Generate diagram-js extension components
A visual grid for diagram-js
A library/modeler adding tokens and process snapshots to BPMN to describe the state of a running BPMN process.
bpmn-js extension which is inspired by honkify
Objective/Job workflow creation
diagram-js extension which shows current local point on canvas