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Redux actions and reducers to integrate with Devise Token Auth
javascript connector for DeviseTokenAuth for Ruby on Rails
A react front-end for a ruby on rails devise authentication server.
Authentication module for Ember-Cli-Admin
- ember-addon
- ember-cli
- admin
- ember
- ember-cli-admin
- ember-cli-admin-auth
- ember-admin
- devise
- auth
- bootstrap-admin
Redux actions and reducers to integrate with Devise Token Auth
Helper library for working with Devise Token Auth in your Angular 2 applications
Koa authentication solution
Express middleware that authenticates with Devise Token Auth
Simple, secure token authentication for ecmascript.
Perform HTTP requests refreshing every time the Devise Token Auth
A simple package to interact with Facebook LogIn API
A react front-end for a ruby on rails devise authentication server.
A standalone JavaScript client for the devise_token_auth ruby gem.
Another flexible authentication solution for mongoose.
Handles token authorization
A view plugin for react-devise.