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get a list of identifiers that are initialised by a JavaScript AST node.
Detect which ES6 (ES2015 and above) features are available
- detect
- es6
- feature
- class
- arrow function
- let
- array
- Map
- Set
- generator
- promise
- template string
- symbol
- destructuring
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switch-case specific linting rules for ESLint
🐊Putout plugin adds ability to merge destructuring properties
🐊Putout plugin adds ability use destructuring on variable declarations
Eslint plugin for enforcing newlines in object destructuring assignment past a certain number of properties.
destructuring specific linting rules for ESLint
Enforce placing destructuring properties on separate lines
Babel plugin that enables extensible destructuring as per
Flatry converting promise or function to flat array response. Inspired by golang style error handling without try/catch.
This is 'transform-object-rest-spread' without the dependency on 'transform-es2015-destructuring'
ESLint plugin to enforce newlines in ES6 object destructuring or import
Ad-hoc polymorphism / pattern matching / destructuring for function parameters
esnext plugin for Grunt
- gruntplugin
- ecmascript
- es6
- esnext
- harmony
- compile
- compiler
- transpile
- transpiler
- language
- arrow
- arrow-function
- class
- computed-property
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Babel plugin that allows you to extract an object/array from a destructuring expression
destructurable, async-friendly `try...catch` wrapper function with support for error side effects and fallback values
- async
- await
- awaitable
- promise
- try
- catch
- wrapper
- function
- fallback
- error handling
- destructure
- destructuring
- functional
- utility
Architecture from natural language principles.
Simplify your function input destructuring
ESLint rules created for Saxo Bank
Magic Initialization using destructuring assignment
- inity
- initializer
- initialization
- magic objects
- magic object
- magic initialization
- magic
- shorthand
- objects
- destructuring
- destructuring assignment