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12 packages found
Calculate the time interval between two `Date` objects and output the result in years plus months plus days plus hours plus minutes plus seconds plus milliseconds (instead of representing the same duration in different units). This library is useful for l
DateDiff is a minimalized Javascript date arithmetic extension.
Calculates the difference between two JavaScript Dates.
A simple and lightweight date helper that calculates the difference between two dates ~12222015
Date functions mainly - counting no of days between 2 dates
- date
- datesuper
- date-super
- super-date
- date-functions
- datefunctions
- date-methods
- datemethods
- date-extension
- dateextension
- date-operations
- dateoperations
- date-diff
- datediff
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a collection of javascript prototype extensions that make your javascript coding very easy and hanndy.
- prototype
- extension
- methods
- toDateTime
- trimAll
- toCamelCase
- toKebabCase
- toPascalCase
- toSnakeCase
- left
- right
- mid
- reverse
- sort
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time-diff-checker is a package which returns time difference with your given time and compare that to current time.
get a difference between 2 dates in human readable format
- timediff
- humanreadabletimediff
- timedifflocale
- timediffminutes
- timediffhours
- timediffmonths
- timediffyears
- datediff
- humanreadabledatediff
- datedifflocale
- datediffminutes
- datediffhours
- datediffmonths
- datediffyears
destructuring date or duration(ms) into microSeconds seconds minutes hours days months years