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Create an ArrayBuffer instance from a Data URI string
Inlines img, script and link tags into the same file.
Detect if a string is a data URL
Create DataURI scheme easily
parse a data uri into mime type and buffer
Convert ArrayBuffer to string
Parse data URL string
Tell the browser to download a datauri as a file
Browserify tranform to turn images into base64 data uri
😹 convert SVGs to DataURLs
Tools for dealing with DataURLs
baboon test image as base64 data URI
Generates .scss datauri variables for .{png,gif,jpg} and .svg
Utilities of pixel for React Native
Convert a folder of SVG files into a single file using data-uri.
A gulp task for converting images inside a stylesheet to data-URI strings.
Create data uris of anything from anywhere.
convert data URIs to Blobs
create base64 encoded data-uris for css from images
A Node.js command-line utility to convert images to data URIs