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Randomised test property/data generation for NodeJS
A random data generation library.
Contract testing + Data Generation
A powerful data generation library.
- data generator
- mock data
- faker
- mock
- data
- generator
- mockthis
- data automation
- developer tools
- data testing
- synthetic data
- data mocking
- data generation
- fake data
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A random data generation library.
Dynamic datatable generation based on your requirement with values passed
- angular-datatable-sm
- Angular Datatable SM
- Angular Datatable
- Datatable
- Datatable SM
- Angular Table
- Table
- angular-datatable
- datatable
- data-table
- table
- angular-dropdown-select
- angular-filter-dropdown
- angular-progress-bar-sm
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Simple and limited generation of javascript literals (arrays, objects, strings...)
App Toolkit for the Web3 Generation
Reactive dataflow processing.
Random JS object generation for tests
Contract testing + Data Generation: integrated legacy module
Set of plugins for BEM site data generation
App Toolkit for the Web3 Generation
Get a stream as a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer or array
Tiny queue data structure
Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript descriptor. Works for data descriptors and accessor descriptors.
Define a data property on an object. Will fall back to assignment in an engine without descriptors.
ES spec-like internal slots
Open Web data by the Mozilla Developer Network