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Convert numbers to words, in multiple languages
- rosaenlg
- n2words
- convert
- number
- word
- text
- natural
- language
- english
- french
- spanish
- german
- portuguese
- italian
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n2words converts a numerical number into a written one, supports 27 languages and has zero dependencies.
- n2words
- convert
- number
- word
- text
- natural
- language
- english
- french
- spanish
- german
- portuguese
- italian
- turkish
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The Czech language package for zxcvbn-ts
Inflection of Czech words
This is a multi-language profanity check for validating text is clear and doesn't contain any profane words
- profanity
- profane
- checker
- validation
- multi-language
- arabic
- chinese
- czech
- danish
- english
- esperanto
- finnish
- french
- german
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Czech spelling dictionary
A function to return public holidays in the Czech Republic in the specified year.
Validates and extracts information from Czech personal identity number
n2words converts a numerical number into a written one, supports 27 languages and has zero dependencies.
- n2words
- convert
- number
- word
- text
- natural
- language
- english
- french
- spanish
- german
- portuguese
- italian
- turkish
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Simple Typescript/Javascript validator for Czech business identification number (IČ)
A small and handy library to validate CZ bank account numbers. Running in a browser, in Node.js and also as an ES6 module.
Angular pipes based on date-fns. Date pipe, time-ago pipe, minDate pipe, maxDate pipe, distanceBetweenDates pipe. Supports all date-fns locales.
- ago
- angular
- arabic
- bokmal
- bulgarian
- catalan
- chinese
- croatian
- czech
- danish
- date
- date-distance
- date-fns
- date-pipe
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Vocalization library for czech Names and Surnames.
Angular input for czech id (Rodné číslo) with validation.
Angular input for czech id (Rodné číslo) with validation.
The most comprehensive collection of stopwords for the czech language.
Provides Czech holidays with no historical data. Supports local storage caching.
A TypeScript/JavaScript library for generating, validating, and parsing Czech and Slovak birth numbers (rodné číslo).
A client for the WiFi portal of Czech Railways trains.
Czech daily course from czech national bank