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26 packages found
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Class Variance Authority 🧬
- Class Variance Authority
- class-variance-authority
- classes
- classname
- classnames
- css
- cva
- stitches
- vanilla-extract
- variants
A lightweight, flexible API for managing CSS class variants.
- javascript
- typescript
- js
- ts
- css variants
- class variants
- classname variants
- style variants
- cva
- class variance authority
Angular material numeric range form field
- ng
- angular
- numeric range form field
- numeric
- range
- number
- number range
- angular range
- input range
- angular input range
- numeric range
- user range
- range input
- form
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Class Variance Authority 🧬 - Extended
- Class Variance Authority
- class-variance-authority
- classes
- classname
- classnames
- css
- cva
- stitches
- vanilla-extract
- variants
The class-variance-authority function collection of @icestack/ui
Class Variance Builder 👷🏼
- Class Varince Builder
- class-variance-builder
- Slot Varince Builder
- slot-variance-builder
- cvb
- svb
- classes
- classname
- classnames
- css
- cva
- stitches
- vanilla-extract
- variants
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A Node.js client for Cisco Virtualized Voice Browser REST APIs
Style Variance Authority
generate cva functions by css comment
React Stitches-like variants API for tailwindcss classes
- tailwind
- tailwindcss
- css
- cva
- classname
- classname-variants
- tailwind-variants
- stitches.js
- stitches
- stitches-like
- variants
- react
A tiny, performant, utility for constructing variant based CSS class strings.
Angular password/code input boxes
- ng
- angular
- password
- input
- pass
- otp
- one time password
- otp input
- otp angular
- ng otp
- ngx otp
- opt input
- input box
- square box
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Angular material numeric range form field
- ng
- angular
- numeric range form field
- numeric
- range
- number
- number range
- angular range
- input range
- angular input range
- form
- field
- mat form field
- custom control
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Design-System is a powerful tool that helps you setup your own custom UI library and design system for your projects.
- design system
- ui library
- storybook
- atomic design
- radix-ui
- tailwind
- tailwindcss
- tailwind-config-viewer
- hygen
- generator
- component
- react
- token visualizer
- themes
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Variance Authority
create vue app
Haruhi Variance Authority
React helper for classname-variants
TailwindCSS presets for styling components in any JS framework.
Class Variance Authority 🧬
- Class Variance Authority
- class-variance-authority
- classes
- classname
- classnames
- css
- cva
- stitches
- vanilla-extract
- variants