Search results
76 packages found
A way to get all currency information from around the world.
Provide easy conversion between crypto symbol and name
Enter an ISO-4217 currency code and return the symbol
An npm package to get symbol from ISO
A simple package to find currency symbols based on country codes.
A function to lookup the currency symbol for a given currency code
A simple angular service to generate Currency Symbol by taking Country Code as argument
A TypeScript library for ISO 4217 currency codes. Efficiently lookup and validate currency codes, retrieve associated countries, and more.
- iso4217
- iso
- 4217
- currency
- currencies
- code
- codes
- lookup
- finance
- exchange
- conversion
- money
- country
- international
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Simplify currency formating by adding symbols to numeric values effortlessly.
Country data with advanced filters: ISO codes, capitals, continents, currencies, dialing codes, flags, emergency numbers, and phone masking. Tiny package, compatible with backend and frontend JS frameworks
- countries
- ISO 3166
- ISO 4217
- ISO 639
- country data
- world countries
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- React
- React Native
- country details
- currencies
- languages
- capitals
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A package to provide country details and currencies.
- currency information
- country currencies
- currency data
- international currencies
- currency symbols
- currency ISO codes
- currency package for JavaScript
- financial applications
- multi-currency support
- lightweight currency package
- react
- countries-info
- CurrencyInfoSphere
- InfoSphere
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A simple lightweight package that returns a country currency numeric symbol and also list all countries currency
- currency
- symbol
- Currency
- Countries
- Country
- Dollar
- Naira
- World
- Nodejs
- Node
- Symbol
- Currencies
- Numeric
- Nigeria
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Get country name, currency and currency symbol via ISO2 country abbreviation
A simple VueJs library that returns different currency badges.
Validates whether a given input is a valid currency symbol
React custom input component with auto currency formatting.
JSON with information about currencies: codes (ISO 4217), the names, grapheme (symbols) and formatting.
A function to lookup the currency symbol for a given currency code
cryptocurrency icon component for vue3
- cryptocurrency
- icons
- icon
- crypto
- currency
- cryptocurrencies
- currencies
- symbols
- svg
- png
- vector
- color
- coin
- bitcoin
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Use the correct symbol of currency