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21 packages found
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A tool for JSON parse and stringify by stream and web worker.
- iam
- trim
- react-testing-library
- es2018
- time
- Object.fromEntries
- iconv
- s3
- rm -fr
- Int16Array
- charset
- functional
- View more
a postcss plugin for converting px to rem and vw
Simply Builder Module - convert pixels to rem
- jamilservicos
- jamilservices
- nodejs
- javascript
- simply-builder
- simplybuilder
- simply
- builder
- module
- convert
- units
Sass functions and mixins to use rem units.
Sass function & mixin to convert pixel to rem.
Convert between css lengths e.g. em->px or px->rem
Customized version of webpack-px-to-rem with fixed deprecation warning.
Convert any CSS unit (pt, em, rem, pc, in, mm, cm, vw...) to px, in browser
Tailwind Css plugin convert dynamic classes from px to rem.
convert your px attribute to rem
Convert css unit and value by custom rule
convert your px attribute to rem, webpack5 can use
Change px to rem in HTML inline CSS based on PostHTML
px2rem support to Brackets, convert px to rem / rem to px.
Change px to rem in HTML inline CSS based on PostHTML
css unit converter
Webpack loader for converting CSS unit