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Convert hsl colors to rgb colors
An easy way to convert colors
Operate colors in popular color models and convert between them
Implemets the CIEDE2000 color difference algorithm, conversion between RGB and LAB color and mapping all colors in palette X to the closest or most different color in palette Y based on the CIEDE2000 difference.
Get an array of colors from an image.
Lightweight module for converting RGB(A) values to hexadecimal colors
Library to format, convert and work with colors.
- Color
- color
- colour
- convert
- converter
- conversion
- harmony
- blend
- blender
- chromatic adaptation
- color difference
- delta e
- delta-e
- View more
Class for creating AST nodes.
Convert a file: URI to a file path
Library to convert, link and modify colors
Utilities for the snapdragon parser/compiler.
Convert directories to glob compatible strings
Turn anything into an array
A color tool library written in Typescript, you can use it to convert color spaces, and operate on colors like LESS/SASS ( darken/lighten, saturate/desaturate, spin, mix), and color difference query. 颜色工具库,支持颜色空间的转换、各种颜色操作、多种色差查询, 支持中国色、日本色的查询
Convert a typed array to a Buffer without a copy
- buffer
- typed array
- convert
- no copy
- uint8array
- uint16array
- uint32array
- int16array
- int32array
- float32array
- float64array
- browser
- arraybuffer
- dataview
convert modern Koa legacy generator-based middleware to promise-based middleware
Plain color conversion functions
Convert colors to websafe / websmart values
Converts colors to less color operation functions
A ponyfill for the ES 2015 (ES6) `Array.from()`.