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117 packages found
confluence.js is a powerful Node.JS/Browser module that allows you to interact with the Confluence API very easily
Library for building Atlassian Add-ons on top of Express
confluence static site
confluence.js is a powerful Node.JS/Browser module that allows you to interact with the Confluence API very easily
A frontend module for Johnson framework
A tool to convert and publish Antora documentation to Confluence
- antora-confluence
- captain
- antora
- confluence
- documentation
- publishing
- docs-as-code
- asciidoc
- publishToConfluence
This library allows you to publish your notes to Confluence
- markdown
- markdown-confluence
- confluence
- adf
- atlassian
- atlassian-document-format
- publish-confluence
- convert-markdown
- obsidian-confluence
- obsidian-plugin
A webpack loader for i18n *.properties files that can be used in Atlassian Server products
An internationalization i18n helper for WRM and React that can be used in Atlassian Server products
Hassle-free documentation generation powered by AsciiDoc
Confluence source for Gridsome
Convert Markdown to Confluence markup
Confluence API wrapper for NodeJS
An addon to implement Confluence documentation in StoryBook.
Provider to convert and publish Antora documentation on Confluence
Confluence API Client based on OpenAPI Schema from Atlassian.
A tool that can help you with troubleshooting the configuration of webpack and Atlassian P2 project.
CLI tool for some basic interaction with Confluence such as creating and updating pages