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20 packages found
Revive a JSON-serialized 128-bit complex number.
- stdlib
- stdtypes
- utils
- util
- utilities
- utility
- complex
- complex128
- cmplx
- json
- reviver
- revive
- unmarshal
- deserialize
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Revive a JSON-serialized 64-bit complex number.
- stdlib
- stdtypes
- utils
- util
- utilities
- utility
- complex
- complex64
- cmplx
- json
- reviver
- revive
- unmarshal
- deserialize
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Revive a JSON-serialized complex number.
- stdlib
- stdtypes
- utils
- util
- utilities
- utility
- complex
- complex128
- complex64
- cmplx
- json
- reviver
- revive
- unmarshal
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Parses a string representing a complex number into a complex like object.
A elegant node validator/sanitizer for complex inputs
this is package to translate complex json object into url query params
Generate complex, validated and extendable JSON-based forms in React
- lime
- react-schema
- form
- forms
- engine
- react
- validation
- complex
- extendable
- customisable
- conditional
- questions
- react-component
Synchronously resolve plugins / transforms / presets just like Babel and Browserify does it, using CommonJS `require` builtin. For example, useful for loading complex configs from `package.json` file.
- browserify
- cfg
- complex
- config
- config-management
- configuration
- load
- load-config
- load-plugin
- load-transform
- manage
- management
- plugin
- plugins
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JSON Reporter for gulp-escomplex
"This library helps you to find and get a nested property from a complex json object. It protects your code from null or undefined errors"
Generate complex, validated and extendable JSON-based forms in React
- winterfell
- form
- forms
- engine
- react
- validation
- complex
- extendable
- customisable
- conditional
- questions
- react-component
JSON.stringify/parse for complex data structures
Generate complex, validated and extendable JSON-based forms in React
- winterfell
- form
- forms
- engine
- react
- validation
- complex
- extendable
- customisable
- conditional
- questions
- react-component
Generate complex, validated and extendable JSON-based forms in React
- lime
- react-schema
- form
- forms
- engine
- react
- validation
- complex
- extendable
- customisable
- conditional
- questions
- react-component
Generate complex, validated and extendable JSON-based forms in React
- mummyhelp
- react-schema
- form
- forms
- engine
- react
- validation
- complex
- extendable
- customisable
- conditional
- questions
- react-component
Command line tool to convert OBJ format meshes to JSON formatted simplicial complexes
Command line tool to convert OBJ format meshes to JSON formatted simplicial complexes
Serialize circular JSON even containing function
Converts JSON's '.' properties into complex objects.