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shareable commitlint config enforcing gitmoji commit message
Husky Git hook to add JIRA ticket ID into the commit message
Interactive Commitizen CLI that generate standardized git commit message
Simple commit message wizard and validator; works with commitizen and pre-git
Conventional commit message wizard and validator; works with commitizen and pre-git
Semantic release commit analyzer support for all of the conventional commit message types.
Integrate [cz-customizable]( config with [ghooks]( or [husky]( to use a single configuration for commit message generation AND commit mes
Verify commit message format
Sharable commitlint config enforcing a max commit message header length when squashing GitHub PRs
Husky Git hook to add JIRA ticket ID into the commit message
Plugin for validating commit message formats
- semantic-release
- semantic-release plugin
- commitlint
- conventional commits
- conventional changelog
- conventional-changelog
- automation
- commit
- commits
- semver
interactive message tool
VSCode extension for AI-powered commit message generation with customizable providers
Check if your commit message follows Chris Beam's "Seven rules of a good commit message"
AI-powered commit message generator using Ollama
Husky Git hook to add JIRA ticket ID into the scope of conventional commit message
semantic-release plugin to commit release assets to the project's git repository
Validate commit message through regex
Commit message generator with Ollama
Git commit, but play nice with conventions.