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22 packages found
Great looking color maps
- colormap
- color map
- color
- hex
- rgb
- color-space
- cubehelix
- inferno
- magma
- plasma
- viridis
- matplotlib
- oceanography
- seismic
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Change alpha value of a color string
A color tool library written in Typescript, you can use it to convert color spaces, and operate on colors like LESS/SASS ( darken/lighten, saturate/desaturate, spin, mix), and color difference query. 颜色工具库,支持颜色空间的转换、各种颜色操作、多种色差查询, 支持中国色、日本色的查询
Collection of color space conversions
Interpolate between defined colors in Tailwind config for additional color stops
- tailwind
- plugin
- color
- interpolation
- functions
- linear
- interpolate-colors
- chroma
- color-space
- color-modes
- interpolate
- color-spaces
- color-mode
Convert any color data to sanitized output format
Interpolate between defined colors in Tailwind config for additional color stops
- tailwind
- plugin
- color
- interpolation
- functions
- linear
- interpolate-colors
- chroma
- color-space
- color-modes
- interpolate
- color-spaces
- color-mode
Convert between RGB and Oklab color space
Convert color string (or parseable argument) to RGBA array
A library for creating and manipulating various color spaces
Convert spectrum, like FFT result, to a color
Color space conversions and data
Multipurpose color picker component
- color
- color tool
- color chooser
- color scheme
- color-picker
- picker
- color-range
- color-space
- color-scheme
- rgb
- hsl
- lch
- cmyk
- lab
Great looking color maps
- colormap
- color map
- color
- hex
- rgb
- color-space
- cubehelix
- inferno
- magma
- plasma
- viridis
- matplotlib
- oceanography
- seismic
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HSLuv/HPLuv color space for TailwindCSS
the official XYZ color-space plugin for Alchemist.js
Render color space range in canvas or web-worker
- color
- colour
- gamut
- chroma
- color-range
- picker-background
- palette
- picker
- color-picker
- color-space
- color-value
- color-ranges
- luv
- lch
the official RGB plugin for Alchemist.js
the official Lab plugin for Alchemist.js
the official LCHab plugin for Alchemist.js