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TypeScript utilities library containing function wrappers, string and array helper functions, event classes and color utilities.
Utilities for managing color schemes and color scales.
Javascript colors utilities
Sass color-palette management and utilities.
colorParsley() • a lightweight yet versatile color parsing function with no dependencies. Takes various color strings, numbers, or objects, and turns them into simple arrays. Bonus utilities colorToHex() and colorToRGB() included
Terminal Environment Utilities
Color utilities for Node.js
- color
- chroma
- color conversion
- color utilities
- color schemes
- color spaces
- standard illuminants
- video color
- luma
- hue
- saturation
- cmyk
- yiq
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Validation utilities.
- validator
- validation
- validate
- valid
- is
- isvalid
- check
- typed
- assert
- expect
- api
- string
- primitive
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This Plugin generates a color palette and all utilities based on your custom colors. New utilities like text-yourColor-100 or bg-yourColor-600 will be rendered for your custom colors.
Math rounding utilities
Color utilities (css, p3, hex, hsl, hsv, hwb, lab, lch, xyz, okhsl, okhsv, oklab, oklch, hpluv, hsluv, lchuv, bytes) for PEX.
ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal
Detect whether a terminal supports color
Terminal string styling done right
Strip ANSI escape codes from a string
Plain color conversion functions
Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes
A list of color names and its values
A collection of color-related utilities.
Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codes