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28 packages found
Mask components to vuetify 2 with Slots working Perfectly and Merged with useful VueTheMask
- vuejs
- vuetify
- v-text-field
- mask
- number
- money
- integer
- datetime
- datetimepicker
- decimal
- percent
- phonenumber
- creditcard
- cpf
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Funções utilitárias para tratamento de CNPJ
A library with treatment for several masks.
React components for input brazilian documents with masks
Validator for common brazilian patterns, such as cpf and cnpj validations. It is a npm package to be used in javascript applications
Check Mask Inputs It is a library for validating and formatting numeric input data some pre-made formats and providing a customized format.
Simple input mask for brazilian CPF and CNPJ
Text mask for VAT identification number
Brazilian personal documents validation - cpf, cnpj, titulo, pis/pasep, cnh, renavam, processos judiciais, protocolo federal, código de rastreamento dos correios
- validation-br
- validation
- personal documents
- document
- brazil
- brasil
- brazilian
- brasileiro
- cpf
- cnpj
- pis
- pasep
- cnh
- titulo eleitor
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Simple input mask for brazilian CPF and CNPJ
A library of masks applicable to several Brazilian data like I.E., CNPJ, CPF and others
GainTime Br-validator é uma ferramenta para validação e máscara de CPF, CNPJ, telefones brasileiros, data e máscara de CEP com JavaScript puro..
Mask components to vuetify 2
- vuejs
- vuetify
- v-text-field
- mask
- number
- money
- integer
- datetime
- datetimepicker
- decimal
- percent
- phonenumber
- creditcard
- cpf
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Document Mask for React Native on iOS and Android.
Validador de CPF e CNPJ
Many mask types with Javascript
A package to apply masks on input data with vanilla js
The react-input-mask is a react component that returns an input-mask with the sanitized value and formatted for use
Document Mask for React Native on iOS and Android.