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Add a callback to the next tick queue.
- stdlib
- stdutils
- stdutil
- utils
- util
- utilities
- utility
- process
- nexttick
- next
- tick
- settimeout
- setimmediate
- async
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Function which does nothing.
Apply a unary function to each element retrieved from a strided input array according to a callback function and assign results to a strided output array.
Compute the inverse versed cosine of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- avercos
- avercosin
- avercosine
- arcvercos
- arcvercosin
- versedcosine
- avercosinus
- avcs
- arc
- versed
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Compute the inverse half-value versed cosine of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- ahavercos
- ahavercosin
- ahavercosine
- arcvercos
- arcvercosin
- arcvercosine
- versedcosine
- ahavercosinus
- ahvc
- arc
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Compute the inverse coversed cosine of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- acovercos
- acovercosin
- acovercosine
- arccovercos
- arccovercosin
- versed cosine
- acovercosinus
- acvc
- arc
- versed
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Evaluate Binet's formula extended to real numbers for each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
Compute the hyperbolic arcsine of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- math.asinh
- asinh
- sine
- arcsine
- hyperbolic
- inverse
- trig
- trigonometry
- radians
- angle
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Compute the inverse versed sine of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- aversin
- aversine
- arcversin
- arcversine
- versedsine
- aversinus
- arcvers
- avers
- aver
- arc
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Compute the hyperbolic arctangent of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- math.atanh
- atanh
- hyperbolic
- inverse
- tangent
- tan
- trig
- trigonometry
- radians
- angle
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Compute the arccosine of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- math.acos
- acos
- arccosine
- inverse
- trig
- trigonometry
- radians
- vector
- array
- strided
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Compute the Bessel function of the second kind of order zero for each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- special
- bessel
- y0
- vector
- array
- strided
- ndarray
- element-wise
- map
- transform
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Compute the inverse cotangent of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- inverse
- cotangent
- acot
- cot
- coth
- arc
- arccotangent
- trig
- trigonometry
- radians
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Compute the squared absolute value of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- absolute
- value
- abs2
- squared
- square
- magnitude
- vector
- array
- strided
- ndarray
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Compute the inverse coversed sine of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- acoversin
- acoversine
- arccoversin
- arccoversine
- coversedsine
- versedsine
- acoversinus
- arcvers
- covers
- cover
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Apply a binary function to each pair of elements retrieved from strided input arrays according to a callback function and assign results to a strided output array.
Compute the hyperbolic arccosine of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- math.acosh
- acosh
- hyperbolic
- inverse
- cosine
- cos
- arc
- arccosine
- trig
- trigonometry
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Compute the inverse half-value versed sine of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- ahaversin
- ahaversine
- arcversin
- arcversine
- versedsine
- ahaversinus
- haversine
- haversin
- archav
- invhav
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Compute the arctangent of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- math.atan
- atan
- arctangent
- tangent
- tan
- arc
- inverse
- trig
- trigonometry
- vector
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Compute the Bessel function of the first kind of order one for each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- special
- bessel
- j1
- vector
- array
- strided
- ndarray
- element-wise
- map
- transform
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