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90 packages found
File watcher that creates a file watcher after parsing tsconfig.json file
A list of directories you should ignore by default
Supersimple start for developing full stack (express + frontend) app with node.js
Supersimple start for developing custom js library
Chokidar application for IntLayer - Transpile IntLayer declaration files into dictionaries.
A config parser you can use in your apps. It supports hot-reloading, yaml, ini, toml, xml, json and jsonc. Also supports custom parsers
A smart wrapper for chokidar to facilitate file watching with enhanced features.
- file watching
- chokidar
- filesystem
- observable
- typescript
- node.js
- development tool
- file system events
- real-time
- watch files
Ultra-fast cross-platform command line utility to watch file system changes.
Simple typescript compiler using chokidar file watcher instead of tsc-watch
Baluka (pronounce _balooka_) is a tiny library that takes your json file and gives you back a jsdoc types or typescript interfaces definition.
A Node.js package that allows you to easily synchronize a directory with Google Drive. This package handles authentication with Google Drive using OAuth2 and monitors a specified directory for new files. When new files are detected, they are automatically
- node
- node.js
- drive
- file
- sync
- synchronization
- backup
- automation
- oauth2
- googleapis
- chokidar
- readline
- fs
- View more
A file system watcher based on chokidar
live file monitor and rsync daemon
Simple debounced file watcher. Uses Chokidar.
Monitor for a created folder and automatically generate custom files based on your templates - perfect for development
Watch files & Execute specified tasks on change
A watched file cache which will invalidate automatically if the source changes
Spy on files
wrap chokidar's FSWatcher in a child process, so that it is crash free
Watch files & Execute specified tasks on change