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86 packages found

Fully typed set of utility functions to parse, validate and generate a Chilean R.U.T. Set de funciones utilitarias para generar, procesar y validar un R.U.T. Chileno completamente tipado.

published version 1.4.0, 3 years ago2 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Sencilla y pequeña libreria para validar y dar formato al RUT

published version 2.1.0, 3 years ago22 dependents licensed under $MIT

Provides a fast and robust RUT validator/generator

published version 1.0.5, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Plugin de jQuery para formateo y validación de RUTs.

published version 1.1.2, 8 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Este plugin para Insomnia permite generar RUT y nombres chilenos de manera aleatoria, ideal para desarrolladores que necesitan datos de prueba realistas y específicos del mercado chileno.

published version 0.0.6, 8 months ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Vue utility functions for validating and formatting DNIs

published version 1.0.1, 8 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

javascript npm package for validating and formating chilean run/rut

published version 2.1.0, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Chilean RUT utils for Node.js and the browser.

published version 4.0.7, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Validacion, implementacion en input, formater en Angular de la Cedula de intentidad Chilena.

published version 1.2.1, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC

Spanish (Chile) spelling dictionary

published version 2.0.0, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $(GPL-3.0 OR LGPL-3.0 OR MPL-1.1)

Utility functions to parse, validate and generate data

published version 1.0.15, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $GPL-3.0-or-later

¡Bienvenido! Con nuestra librería de TypeScript, podrás acceder fácilmente a información actualizada y precisa sobre las regiones, provincias y comunas de Chile, ahorrando tiempo y esfuerzo al no tener que recopilar y mantener los datos tú mismo.

published version 0.1.7, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Regular expression for matching Chile RUTs

published version 1.0.1, 4 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

A JavaScript library for validating and formatting Chilean RUTs (Rol Único Tributario). It provides functions to add/remove dots and dashes, validate formats, and calculate check digits

published version 1.0.18, 3 months ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

chilean RUT verifier - verificador RUT chileno

published version 3.1.4, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Chilepay SDK module for Payments integration

published version 0.3.2, 7 years ago0 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

validate ci, dni and other credentials identification

published version 2.2.0, 22 days ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC

Una librería con diversas utilidades para el RUN/RUT chileno.

published version 1.0.1, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Verificador de RUT para personas y empresas de Chile, compara u obtiene el digito verificador

published version 2.2.2, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Validador y formateador de rut chilenos

published version 1.3.2, 4 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT