Search results
24 packages found
child process management
- cdpc
- childprocess
- child_process
- child
- spawn
- fork
- process
- control
- management
- processmanage
- daemon
- systemd
- node
- backend
Useful additions to inbuilt child_process module.
- extra
- child
- process
- ChildProcess
- ChildProcessByStdio
- ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams
- CommonExecOptions
- CommonOptions
- CommonSpawnOptions
- ExecAsyncException
- ExecAsyncReturns
- ExecException
- ExecFileOptions
- ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding
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Wrap `child_process` module to support Multiple Process Code Coverage with istanbul.
Handle completion and errors with elegance! Support for streams, callbacks, promises, child processes, async/await and sync functions. A drop-in replacement for [async-done][] - pass 100% of its tests plus more
- always
- alwaysdone
- async
- asyncawait
- asynchronous
- await
- callback
- callbacks
- cb
- child
- childprocess
- complete
- completion
- done
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An EventEmitter wrapper for IPC between parent and child processes with support for states (AKA pinned events) and logging
- childprocess
- child_process
- child-process
- event
- event-emitter
- eventemitter
- events
- fork
- ipc
- pin
- pinned
- process
- processes
- ready
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Spawn or fork a child process with a promise property resolved on exit with stdout, stderr and code.
Promisify execFile
Use `childprocess` module freely while limiting the amount of concurrent processes
Create a Promise from a ChildProcess
Simple EventEmitter wrapper for IPC, enhanced with async .request().
- childprocess
- child_process
- child-process
- event
- event-emitter
- eventemitter
- events
- fork
- ipc
- process
- processes
- promise
This async TS/JS code is to programmatically execute/fork external/shell commands and npm/yarn scripts from Node.
Event dispatcher, which sends events to all processes (master and workers) and can handle them in all processes.
Basic JS (TypeScript) functions --- File System
manage forked processes using async.queue
This module provide bilateral communication with callback between cluster worker and master, node.js child process is supported too.
Abstracts out emit/send and on to a nice conversation between two whatevers.
Promise-based RSA utilities which runs in separate threads to avoid blocking the event-loop
This logger is designed to collect logs from cluster workers, child processes even independent node.js processes through IPC (Inter-Process Communication).
Parse templates for Node.js ChildProcess consumption
Turns ChildProcess IPC into MessagePort